Artikelen door Legal Top Talent

Why should we hire you? How to answer the dreaded interview question – The Guardian

If there’s one question that strikes fear into the hearts of interviewees everywhere, it is: “Why should we hire you?” Unfortunately, this also happens to be the one question which every employer needs an answer to. Quite often your potential employer will address this question themselves by assessing your overall interview performance against a set […]

Assessments in de advocatuur: niet zaligmakend, wel belangrijk – (november 2016)

Het assessment: door sollicitanten gevreesd, door steeds meer kantoren omarmd. Heb je het juiste IQ, de gewenste persoonlijkheid en voldoende kritisch denkvermogen, dan wordt je kans op een baan aanzienlijk vergroot. Maar wat als de resultaten tegenvallen? Hoeveel waarde hechten kantoren aan de uitslagen in hun zoektocht naar mensen? Zijn assessments op basis van DNA […]

How to avoid the top five most common job interview mistakes – The Guardian

Negativity. Whether your last boss was a bullying dictator or you’re full of post-university angst, do not bring any negativity to the interview. When faced with the challenging prospect of discussing previous employment, graduates should be ready to add a positive spin on even the most reasonable of complaints. While we’re on the subject, keep […]